Author Archives

Leigh Ann Doyle

Communications Intern for Girl Scouts of Central Maryland (Summer 2012)

Perseverance Pays Off: the Story of Andrea, a Girl Scout Cookie Superstar

It was a race to the finish for Girl Scout Andrea. Her goal of 1,000 boxes last year seemed just out of reach when she had sold 990 boxes and hit a selling wall. Those last 10 boxes were her biggest obstacle, but she was persistent and dedicated and ultimately made her goal. Letting customers know about your goal can help boost your cookie sales. When asked about what motivated her to be a 1000+ club member she said, “I always strive []

Claiming the Crown: the Story of Girl Scout Hope, a Cookie Superstar

Girl Scout Hope, who is a three year veteran of the Girl Scout Cookie program, sold an astonishing 2,120 boxes last cookie season. Hope said she saw the crown one of the girls received the year before for being the top seller in her area. She decided then that the next cookie crown would be hers and she set her goal to be in the 1,000 Plus Club. Hope’s troop had a goal of selling 4,000 cookies. They combined forces, especially in []

Sweet Success: the Story of Girl Scout Erin, a Cookie Superstar

Girl Scout Erin, the top Girl Scout Cookie seller in Carroll County for 2011-2012, has been selling Girl Scout Cookies for four years. Erin set out with an initial goal to sell 500 boxes during the pre-order phase of the sale. She more than doubled that number by the end of the sale by selling cookies at her community bowling alley, held 15 booth sales and went door-to-door selling cookies from a wagon in her neighborhood. Erin said she drew inspiration from []

Troop 1962 Plans Carnival for Children at Local Shelter

Girl Scout Silver Award projects not only benefit the greater community, but they also each have their own special meaning for both the Girl Scouts and the benefiting organization or people. The members of Girl Scout Troop 1962 chose a cause that was meaningful for them—they knew that they wanted to work with disadvantaged children, because they realized that not everyone had the same opportunities and possessions they did. The girls dedicated their Girl Scout Silver Award Project by planning a carnival []

At 92, Doretta “Chips” Law is still a Girl Scout at Heart

“Once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout” has never rang truer than in the case of Doretta “Chips” Law, who, at 92, still considers herself a Girl Scout.  Her Girl Scout nickname, Chips, has become a lifelong nickname, and she has dedicated her life to Girl Scouting. Over the years, she has been a troop leader, volunteer, and a Woodland Pioneer. She founded troop 33 in 1940 and the troop met regularly in Linthicum for 30 years.  As a troop leader, []

Girl Scouts present Gold Award Projects on Capitol Hill

Girl Scouts Helen and Marie had the opportunity of a lifetime last month when they were invited by Girl Scouts of the USA to attend a briefing of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. At the briefing, they had the chance to present their Girl Scout Gold Award projects to members of Congress, congressional staff, and GSUSA CEO Anna Maria Chavez, National President Connie Lindsey, and GSUSA board members. The girl’s projects focus on helping Burmese []